Creator FAQ

Frequently asked questions

What is Evolusen?


Evolusen is a members-only Creators' platform for travel, lifestyle, and food-focused Creators. We make it easier for you to check out new destinations and hotels to create more travel, lifestyle, and food content.

Evolusen is Members-Only. What are the requirements?


Follower Count: A minimum of 4,500 followers on Instagram.
Content Quality: Consistently create creative, original, high-quality content within the travel, lifestyle, or food niches.
Engagement: Demonstrate authenticity and engagement with their audience.
Platform Fit: Accounts with a strong potential for success on our platform

Is Evolusen free for Creators?


Yes! Our membership is free for all accepted Creators! We will get back to you within 7 days of your application with a decision.

What is an Experience?


Experiences are hotels, restaurants, and destinations you can request on our platform.

What does Request mean?


The request means that it is not guaranteed approval. A Request can be pending approval for dates or your request to experience them as a whole.

What if a Request is not approved?


The reason could be due to availability or if it's just not a good fit. We will notify you, and you can request alternative dates or another Experience.

I have more questions!


We would love to hear and answer any other questions you may have! Please shoot us an email at