Why Your Hotel Needs Consistent Influencer Marketing

Team Evolusen
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May 1, 2024
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For hotels, establishing a memorable brand presence is no longer just about providing exceptional services — it's about creating relevant and lasting impressions. One method that has proven to be a game-changer is consistent influencer marketing. In this guide, we will dive into the importance of maintaining a steady and strategic influencer marketing approach for your hotel's social media presence.

Building Trust and Credibility

Consistency is the cornerstone of trust. When potential guests see a steady stream of relevant influencers endorsing your hotel and services over time, it creates a sense of reliability and authenticity. Consistent influencer-generated content showcasing their first-person experience at your property builds credibility, assuring your potential guests that the experiences they see promoted are not fleeting but something they will experience themselves during their stay.

Deploy an always-on influencer method: 

Plan regular influencer stays throughout the year. This consistent presence reinforces your brand message and keeps it top of mind for your potential guests.

Long-Term Partnerships:

Foster ongoing relationships with the influencers that you have loved working with throughout the years. Long-term collaborations show both of your audiences that the influencer truly enjoyed their stay with your hotel.

Check out the caption of the Instagram post below from one of our partners:

Expanding Reach and Visibility

Influencer marketing is essential for expanding the reach of your hotel's social media accounts. Consistency ensures that your message is not a one-time occurrence but an ongoing conversation. The cumulative effect of multiple influencers consistently showcasing your hotel broadens your reach and introduces your property to a diverse and engaged audience.

Diversify Influencer Types:

Work with a variety of influencers from different audience sizes, types of content focus, and locations of their audience to reach different segments of your target audience.

Explore Different Platforms:

Extend your reach by asking influencers to post their content on different social media platforms they are active on. Each platform attracts a unique audience, allowing you to diversify your brand exposure.

Creating a Cohesive Brand Story:

Consistency in influencer marketing contributes to the creation of a cohesive brand story. When influencers consistently highlight specific aspects of your property — interior design, personalized services, or culinary experiences — they contribute to a comprehensive and memorable narrative that resonates with your potential guests.

Provide Brand Story:

Offer influencers your brand story and information about your property, which will help influencers create content and copy about your hotel that aligns with your brand message. Consistent visual and thematic elements help create a unified brand story.

Tell a Sequential Story:

Plan influencer collaborations that tell a sequential story about their stay at your property. From arrival to places they have visited during their stay with you, influencers can help showcase the entire guest journey and mark your property as the place to stay when potential guests visit your city.

Driving Engagement and Conversion

Consistency in influencer marketing fosters engagement and conversion. Regular exposure to influencer content keeps your brand top-of-mind, increasing the likelihood that potential guests will see your property, lead them through your marketing funnel and, ultimately, convert it into bookings.

Strategic Content Calendar:

Influencer visits can happen during your slower days to strategically utilize your unsold inventory as digital marketing assets. Also, invite influencers during launch or holiday events. Consistent, timely campaigns showcasing your property during different seasons can help potential guests see your property during the dates they are looking for.

Fostering Guest Loyalty

Consistent influencer marketing doesn't just attract new guests, it fosters loyalty among existing ones. When influencers consistently endorse your hospitality brand, it reinforces the decision of previous guests to choose your establishment, building a loyal customer base.

Exclusive Offers for Followers:

Collaborate with influencers to provide exclusive offers or perks for their followers. This incentivizes bookings and strengthens the connection between influencers and their audience with your brand.

Engage Influencers in Loyalty Programs:

Consider incorporating influencers into your loyalty programs. This can involve exclusive access, discounts, or personalized experiences for influencers and their followers who choose your establishment repeatedly.

The Long-Term Impact of Consistency

In the competitive landscape of leisure travel, consistency in influencer marketing is not just a strategy. It's an investment in the long-term success of your property. By consistently showcasing your hotel's unique experiences, you attract new guests and stand out from your compset.